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山东枣庄宠物香猪种猪多少钱|山东枣庄宠物香猪种猪费用 山东枣庄宠物香猪种猪多少钱|山东枣庄宠物香猪种猪费用//山东枣庄宠物香猪种猪多少钱|山东枣庄宠物香猪种猪费用

公 司: 山东福和特种养殖场 
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  联系信息 企业信息
张经理 先生 (经理)
电  话: 15092777938
传  真: 17076094940
手  机: 15621899157
地  址: 中国山东嘉祥县山东省济宁市嘉祥县黄垓乡
邮  编: 272400
公 司:山东福和特种养殖场



The most direct way to raise pigs is to feed them and feed them. If you want to save them, you must pay attention to these feeding problems.
Scientific feeding. According to the growth and development laws of slow, medium and slow growth in the early stage of pig growth, in order to obtain higher feed reward, it is suggested that the feeding mode of straight line fattening should be adopted in order to shorten the feeding cycle and save the feed. At the same time, we should implement fine, green and coarse feeds, and feed them with wet mix. In the feeding times, the daily feeding system was adopted to reduce the consumption of energy and the loss of feed and reduce the feed utilization rate because of the increase of feeding stimulation.
Remolding of the grooves. The installation of horizontal bars prevents rush food, and the upper and lower narrow trapezium is best to reduce trampling waste.
Look at the pig feed. After feeding the fat pig, observe the first few instructions, and add appropriately.
In addition, we should pay more attention to the daily feeding quantity. If the daily dosage can not meet or exceed the nutrients needed for its growth, the growth of the pig will be delayed, and one will be overfed, which will cause the waste of feed. Therefore, science feeding and raising feed utilization rate can increase the weight gain while saving the feed.

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