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山东枣庄宠物香猪种猪价格|山东枣庄宠物香猪种猪批发 山东枣庄宠物香猪种猪价格|山东枣庄宠物香猪种猪批发//山东枣庄宠物香猪种猪价格|山东枣庄宠物香猪种猪批发

公 司: 山东福和特种养殖场 
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  联系信息 企业信息
张经理 先生 (经理)
电  话: 15092777938
传  真: 17076094940
手  机: 15621899157
地  址: 中国山东嘉祥县山东省济宁市嘉祥县黄垓乡
邮  编: 272400
公 司:山东福和特种养殖场



Feed the pig in summer to be careful with the feed corruption
Pigs can eat a lot of things. Pig farmers feed pigs for various purposes. But because of the high temperature in summer, a lot of feed will be corrupted. For example:
1. The wet mix is rancidity. Summer high temperature pigs have no appetite for dried materials. Many pig farmers choose wet mix to feed pigs to promote pig feed. But if the feeding is unsuitable, too much mix, the pig can not finish at once, the wet material will be sour, the pig eats the opposite, the light is not good, does not love eating, affects the growth, the heavy person will also be poisoned death. It is now ready to feed, ready to feed, or fed regularly.
2, leftover food. The leftover food to feed pigs in the rural areas is more common, in fact, our food nutrition can also, pigs also like to eat human food, but in addition to health care, refeeding after refeeding, but also to prevent acid defeat, and best to feed the pig. Both piglets and pigs should not be fed.
3. Green fodder. Green feed is also easy to corruption in the summer, so the storage must be appropriate, not to be stacked, the best to feed how much, fresh feeding, and after cleaning, remove rotten leaves. No excessive feeding, so as not to cause diarrhea or gastrointestinal tract diseases. Cooked feeding should pay attention to methods, such as beet leaves in the

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